Sunday, November 21, 2010

Super Girls!

My beasties wanted to be superheroes for Halloween so off I went in search of the perfect tutorial to make a cape. I found it on They turned out really cute and I love the sparkly belts (1 inch elastic sequin trim), wrist bands and masks (silver glittery bathing suit material) I made for them. My husband said they couldn't be REAL superheroes until they had masks. All of the materials I got from my favorite cloth store called Mary Jo's. This place is a HUGE mecca of fabric delight (how's that for an advertisement?) Check it out here.

check out the pumpkin I made- it was a bumpy one that I painted green and then puff painted the face on. The hat was from the dollar bin at Target (it was a pet costume)- sweet, huh?

that's one good lookin' candy man!


1 comment:

  1. Look at you and your sewing machine!!

    I love the bonnet below as well.

    Don't worry, boys are fun too. Just sew a little cowboy hat!


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